Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Custom UIs for SOA artifacts

Major step towards SOA governance is the visibility you get about the SOA deployment. Visibility has to cover many sections such as resource structure, users, privileges, dependencies between resources, etc. And we should not forget about the visualization of contents of SOA resources. But the resources in SOA deployments have different contents including WSDL, XSD and other application specific XML formats as well as other text and binary formats. So there is a challenge to provide the best view for all resource types.

WSO2 Registry addresses this problem by introducing custom UIs for SOA resources. That means the UIs for resources can be written by users and plugged in to the registry. Thus, each resource type gets the best possible UI. This is done by the handler mechanism implemented in the registry. Handler authors get the flexibility to provide UIs for both viewing and editing their resource types. Of course, WSO2 Registry will eventually provide built in UIs for many common resource types. So the end result is that the users of the WSO2 Registry gets a detailed and nicely tailored view of their SOA resources.

This feature is currently in the development stage. You can take an early look from the svn. Just build the registry and try out the custom-ui-sample1. This is still taking shape. More stuff will come in to this soon. So, stay tuned to WSO2 Registry to find out how make SOA governance easier.

1 comment:

Krishantha Samaraweera said...

great work Chathura,I just checked this new feature. I was surprised on the way you have done the implementation. Cool.